Women generally save about 30% less than men by the time they are ready for retirement​
Don't you think it's time we raise this number?
Women don't need to be financial experts to
grow their money, they just need to know where to start.
Women have been socialized to believe that they are not good at investment decisions.
Research finds otherwise.
investHER Health + Wealth Club™
Why does managing money and our health feel so hard? As a society we are inundated hourly with information, including ads on social media, the internet, TV, radio, publications and elsewhere, which has led to a saturation of choices --mainly bad ones. So how do we choose when there are so many options?
We either choose poorly or we end up doing nothing. And doing nothing is one of the worst choices we can make when it comes to our
personal health and finance. We've created a solution to help you make smart health and financial decisions. Join our community of supportive women with our monthly membership.
Women INVEST in other Women
Women have the networks and expertise to impact startups - early stage private companies. Yes, the growth of the female entrepreneur is on the rise, but without representation on both sides of the table — entrepreneurs and investors — we won't see real change. When women are stronger financially, so is the economy and society.
We have designed a course that will help you become an expert angel investor over time, giving you the knowledge to make the best startup investments and lasting connections with your fellow investHERs.
Apply here to see if you are elegible to enroll
A woman earning $85k a year starting at the age of 30 will have about $320,000 less (due to the gender pay gap) than her male counterpart when she retires at age 67. Not only could her money last 6 years less than his, she’s also likely to live 3 to 5 years longer.
Why Angel Investing?
1. Build a legacy of which you can be proud.
2. Make money: Angel investing has historically returned at significantly
higher rates (28-32% per year) than public stock market indices (8- 10%).
3. Make a difference: Investing in startups that eventually employ dozens or hundreds of people, angel investors can change the economic future of a region.
According to a Willis Tower Watson survey, 60% of men ranked saving for retirement as their top financial priority compared to 44% of women.
Why Personal Finance?
1. Make money: Watch your money grow through the power of
compound interest and learn where to grow your money.
2. Invest in yourself: Take control of your future to ensure your financial freedom.
3. Build a legacy to pass down to your children.
What investors say...
Author, Speaker, Startup Funding Expert & Angel Investor
“This [angel investing] is one of the most powerful things you can do with your money.
Women globally have little-to-no access to capital. Growing companies is growing jobs, increasing net worth, changing the calculus of not having equal pay. You don’t need an MBA. Jump in.”
CoFounder/Managing Director: VectorPoint Impact Partners, Angel Investor, Board member & Advisor
“Part of owning our power as women is to take responsibility for our financial investments. We can use money as a tool for creating a healthy future for the planet and empower our own financial well-being.”
Executive Director of Private Investors Forum, Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author
“According to Forbes, women only receive 14% of investment capital, yet there are so many professionally successful women that can change that equation once they learn how the startup investment game is played. Angel and Robert Padulo are entrepreneurs and angel investors that have successfully played the game. They have developed a platform to teach smart successful women how to enhance their personal portfolios while helping women entrepreneurs achieve their dreams."
“Research indicates women are better investors in the long run, so we need to reinforce that.”
- Lorna Kapusta, Vice president of women investors at Fidelity